Tillväxtprojektet Halland


Tillväxtprojektet Halland

Avhandlingar från TP-gruppen

Josefine Roswall

Childhood overweight and obesity

– identifying early risk factors

The incidence of childhood obesity is increasing. Many children become obese during preschool years and stay obese, with lifelong health consequences, such as impaired insulin sensitivity. There is growing evidence that factors during intrauterine life and infancy influence the risk of developing obesity. The aim was to describe early factors in  infancy related to childhood obesity.

Is waist circumference an auxological variable to be used in early childhood and is this variable related to early metabolic markers? Can biomarkers of bone and nutrition during infancy predict the development of childhood obesity and insulin resistance? How is the gut microbiota established during infancy and influenced by nutrition? Is any gut microbiota pattern during infancy associated with subsequent weight gain or the development of childhood obesity? Läs mer

Gerd Almquist-Tangen

Health, nutrition and groth in infancy

– a child health care perspective

Early childhood is recognised as a key period for the new family in which to promote health. There is evidence that infant feeding and nutrition is one of the most influential factors affecting growth, development and life-long health. The aim of this thesis was to study infant food and feeding, as well as the impact of different feeding practices in infancy on early growth in childhood and, to explore parental views and considerations relating to child health. Läs mer

Emma Kjellberg

Childhood Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome in Preschool Children

Early markers and identification of individuals at risk in a longitudinal perspective

Overweight and obesity have increased worldwide and affect children at ever younger ages, resulting in cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes even in adolescents. This illustrates the importance of identifying children at risk at an early stage.

The aim of this study was to explore metabolic health in preschool children. The specific aims were (i) to investigate whether 6-year-old children show signs of metabolic syndrome; (ii) to investigate whether the fat distribution in 7-year-old children is associated with their metabolic profile and whether there are any related sex differences; (iii) to study the profile of fatty acids in infancy and their influence on growth; (iv) to study the risk of developing adiposity and an impaired metabolic profile at 7 years of age as a result of early nutrition. Läs mer

Katarina Boustedt

Early childhood caries in relation to mode of delivery, preterm birth, tooth brushing habits, and signs of the metabolic syndrome

Early childhood caries (ECC) is defined as the presence of one or more decayed (non-cavitated or cavitated lesions), missing (due to caries), or filled surfaces in any primary tooth of a child under 6 years of age. ECC is highly prevalent in the world and largely untreated in children under the age of 3 years; it shares common risk factors with other non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. ECC can impair
quality of life by causing difficulties in sleeping, eating, and attending school due to loss of tooth substance with consequent acute and chronic pain. Even though several risk factors associated with ECC are known, it is difficult to predict the condition. Variables that have been used when trying to predict ECC include oral habits, dietary habits, and socioeconomic status. It is known that children born vaginally have a gut microflora that differs from children delivered by cesarean section (C-section). Recently, the oral microbiota has also been explored in relation to mode of delivery. Läs mer

Annelie Lindholm

Overweight and obesity in preschool children, early risk factors and early identification

Overweight and obesity in children has reached epidemic proportions in recent decades, and even the youngest age groups are affected. Excess weight during childhood often follows the child into adulthood and is associated with diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition, excess weight often leads to health problems already during childhood. Childhood obesity is therefore one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century. Läs mer